Creative Thinking

Problem Solving

Singapore Maths MOE Syllabus Goals
The broad aims of education in Singapore Maths are to enable students to:
Acquire and apply Mathematical concepts and skills;
Develop cognitive and metacognitive skills through a Mathematical approach to problem solving and
Develop positive attitudes towards Mathematics
Lower Primary
Give Your Child The Best Possible Chance To Start Scoring In Maths
Our lower primary school Math enrichment class (P1 – P3) develops your child’s foundation in fundamental Mathematical theories, methods, and concepts. Rather than relying on rote learning, we encourage students to think critically, which helps develop confidence, concentration, and problem-solving skills.
Style of classes :- Personalised with Diagnostic Test prior to entry.

K1 – P3 Sample Problems

Upper Primary

Scoring in PSLE is Possible For Your Kids Now With Our Proven System
Our upper primary (P4 – P6) materials excite students’ thinking and arouse their curiosity by applying problem-solving heuristics and question-posing techniques in solving challenging Mathematics problems.
Style of classes :- Classroom
P4 – P6 Heuristics Problems

Get In Touch
Give your child the eiMaths advantage today when you sign up for any of our classes.