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eiMaths offers fun Online & Physical classes for your child to prepare for the new school semester!
At eiMaths, we strive to make learning Mathematics fun with our very own colourful workbooks and activities. We are here to build a strong foundation for your child and eliminate their fear of learning Maths. With our very own unique diagnostic assessment, we are able to determine your child’s abilities and cater to your child’s needs with our personalised learning programme for K1-P6 students.
eiMaths classroom provides an opportunity for your child to
Explore and experience a new perspective in learning Mathematics.
Safe and secure learning experience in our unique online virtual classroom.
Fun holiday online Maths Class with colorful learning materials for Preschool to Primary.
Interactive and creative methodologies to make Maths easier and interesting for kids.
eiMaths unique methodology is recognized not only in Singapore but also in the Middle East & USA with learning centres in Dubai and Oklahoma. Our team of professional educators cultivate Creative Thinking skills and equip your child with knowledge & skills to enable them to approach and solve any Mathematics problem with ease.
Results Proven Personalized Learning system

Did You Know That Over 80% Of Our Students Scored AL1 and AL2 For Their 2021 PSLE?
Give your child the right environment and head start he/she needs today. eiMaths is the premier and proven provider for Maths Tuition In Singapore where we use creativity and fun to solve complex problem sums with relative ease.
Two Brothers, 3 Years Apart. Both Score A* For The PSLE Math
Both brothers started young, building up their mathematics foundation with fun activities-based program. P4-P6 moving to higher order of thinking skills and using different Problem Solving Heuristics strategy to solve challenging Mathematics problem.
Great Thanks To Their Parents’ Years Of Support And Faith. Cheers!

“My Daughter was introduced to eiMaths when she was in Pri 4. Ms. Lona recommended that since PSLE’s weightage is more on problem sums, thus eiMaths is good training for upper primary students. It focuses on problem sums. Initially, my daughter was not used to the questions set in eiMaths and found it tough. She took about a month to get used to it.
Thanks to eiMaths, she scored band 1 after all the hard work and efforts put in.
Moreover, when she was in Pri 5, she found it easier to cope with her Math school work as well as her homework.
Usually, the school would introduce with a new topic, and eiMaths serves as an additional channel for practicing.”
I am so glad that she scored A* in her PSLE Math subject. I would definitely recommend eiMaths to all primary students.
Message from Mrs. Heer
K1 To P3 Children
Does your child like numbers, and find counting fun?
Is he or she fascinated with how calculations work, why shapes are different, and how they affect calculations?
Does your child enjoy counting and understand numbers bonds?
Does he or she have an enquiring and analytical mind important to mastering Mathematics?

P4 To P6 Children
Does your child understand the underlying concepts to solve challenging word problem?
Is he or she able to apply different heuristics problem solving strategies?
Does your child adopt the 5 steps processes during problem solving?
Is he or she motivated and exhibits independent thinking skill in solving mathematics problems?
Let’s Hear Past Results From Parents
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